Jialei Jiang
- Teaching Assistant Professor
Jialei Jiang is a teaching assistant professor in the English department. She teaches courses in the composition program, with a focus on digital media, technical writing, and second language writing. Her course projects aim to help students develop critical media literacy, embrace cultural diversity, and gain public rhetorical knowledge. This approach allows students to see the practical applications of the course content in their personal lives and future pursuits. Her research interests include digital writing, multimodal composition, and affect studies. She is currently engaging in research and writing that explores the intersection of race and affect within multimodal writing initiatives.
Representative Publications
Jiang, J. (Forthcoming). Composing to enact affective agency: Engaging multimodal antiracist pedagogy in the first-year writing classroom. College Composition and Communication.
Tham, J. & Jiang, J. (2022). Examining multimodal community-engaged projects for technical and professional communication: Motivation, design, technology, and impact. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. 53(2), 128-159.
Jiang, J. & Tham, J. (2022). The thing-power of Ring Fit Adventure as embodied play: Tracing new materialist rhetoric across physical and cultural borders. Computers and Composition, 65, 1-14.