James Knapp
- Professor Emeritus
James F. Knapp joined Pitt's faculty in 1966 and retired in Spring 2017. He taught literary and cultural history, including Anglo-Irish literature, and Modernism in literature and the visual arts.
Professor Knapp integratedmulti-media computer technology into his teaching for many years, and he is a past chair of the MLA Committee on Information Technology in Teaching and Research.
He served as Senior Associate Dean of the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.
Representative Publications
Jim is the author of Literary Modernism and the Transformation of Work, and Ezra Pound, as well as the Norton Poetry Workshop, a multi-media CD-ROM introduction to poetry, published in conjunction with the Norton Anthology of Poetry, and editor of the Norton Poetry Workshop Online. His articles have dealt with such topics as primitivism in modern art, nationalism, modern poetry, and the culture of modernity. He is currently working on the Arts and Crafts Movements in the United States and Ireland. In 2017, he and Peggy A. Knapp co-authored Medieval Romance: The Aesthetics of Possibility, a book about late medieval English and French literature.