In the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of The Fifth Floor, we'll include news from current faculty, staff, and graduate students. If you haven’t sent us news lately (or ever), please do. We’re happy to spread the word about what you’ve been doing—any recent accomplishments or decisions or important events. For a sample of the sorts of notices that ran last spring, visit here. Email your news (links welcome) to or use our easy Google form.
Program directors are especially encouraged to send lists of the names of faculty and grad students attending the major disciplinary conferences this year, along with photos from the various conference hotels and taverns where our department members reach out and represent the University.
In addition to photos related to your current life and news, we would love to have photos you’re willing to share related to the English department: photos from department events or photos of undergraduate or graduate students and alumni. Email with single photos or to arrange transfers of larger groups of photos.
The deadline for all faculty, staff, and graduate student news is April 20, 2024. Please include your official title and the program in which you study or teach.
Photo by 맥심 on Unsplash