The Haiku Review Contest Is Back

Black strip of film with the words "long silent version tail" written on it in white

It's Oscars season, which means it's time to weigh in on the films of the past year! Why not get to the heart of things by reviewing one of this year's feature films in a mere 17 syllables? We've had a blast with this in the past. Take a look at alumni Haiku Reviews from 2013, 2017, and 2020. And because the English department houses a deep bench of faculty and students in its Film and Media Studies program, we're fortunate to have Teaching Professor Ali Patterson serve as this year's judge. 



Alison (Ali) Patterson frequently teaches Seminar in Composition: Film for the “How to Make a Movie” community and other film-centered writing intensive courses. Her current research project involves 2D aesthetics and ornamentalism in contemporary Irish animation. Dr. Patterson has presented locally and nationally on critical making and is a supervisor for the University of Pittsburgh's College in High School program.Ali Patterson, a white woman with pink eyeglass frames, holds a cup of takeout coffee




All Pitt English alumni are eligible. 

Send a Word attachment of your haiku review (with the name of the film as its title) to by April 16, 2025. 

Winners' work will be published in the Spring/Summer 2025 issue.