Who to Contact for...
- Requests for reimbursement/OneCard Reporting:
- All Existing Faculty Expenses: Department Coordinators & Business Coordinator (ENGASST@pitt.edu)
- Graduate Studies/Students Expenses: LJ Woolcock-Srolovic, English Graduate Administrator (ENGGRAD@pitt.edu)
- New Faculty Recruitment/Relocation Expenses: Lauren Morrison, Faculty Actions Coordinator (ENGCHAIR@pitt.edu)
- Requests for purchases should be directed to the Business Coordinator and Department Coordinator for Business (ENGASST@pitt.edu)
- Requests pertaining to anything course or class related, contact Danyielle Komar, Academic Coordinator (ENGSCHED@pitt.edu)
- Requests pertaining to anything regarding room scheduling should be directed to Danyielle Komar, Academic Coordinator (ENGSCHED@pitt.edu)
- Requests to submit a grade change can be submitted online.
- Requests pertaining to publicity should be directed to the Department Coordinator for Programs (ENGPUB@pitt.edu)
- Requests to have something posted in the E-News can be submitted online.
If you are simply unsure of whom to ask or of the proper procedure, please consult the Administrative Guide, or feel free to ask Sarah Elizabeth Baumann, Administrative Officer (SEBAUMANN@pitt.edu).